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[On Demand] Should Boreout be Taken as Seriously as Burnout?

Tune into this on-demand short webinar where we talk to one of the few experts on the phenomenon of ''boreout'', Lotta Harju.

by Yvonne Harris

In this replay from the New Normal Summit by Powell Software, we learn about boreout and why it is a growing threat for organizations big and small.

We’ve all heard of burnout, but what about “boreout”? Lotta Harju, a professor at the Emlyon business school in Lyon, France, is one of the world’s few experts in this phenomenon, where employees are chronically bored and lack any sense of meaning in their work. As she explains in this interview, “boreout” can be every bit as damaging to individuals and businesses as burnout. What should companies be on the lookout for, and what remedies can they put in place?

Tune into this on-demand session and learn how to overcome boreout and burnout to help employees thrive at work.

Watch on-demand

Lotta Harju, Emlyon Business School

Lotta Harju is an Assistant Profesor at the Emlyon School of Business, a leading European and International business school, and one of the few experts on the phenomenon of boreout.

Lotta Harju Boreout