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What Your Digital Workplace Could Be – Use Case Webinars

An exclusive on-demand webinar series with strategic partners, exploring our top Intranet & Microsoft Teams projects

by Jordan Washington

Join us to better understand how the digital workplace is evolving and how the right solution empowers cross-departmental collaboration to achieve business goals.

Webinar 1 – Intranet Adoption, A Government Agency use case

A recent migration to SharePoint Online created various challenges related to modernization and governance.
Learn how Powell Software and Microexcel transformed a public sector agency intranet to address various challenges related to modernization and governance.

Webinar 2: Digital Workplace and Flex Desk Implementation – A National Retailer use case

The dramatic shift in ways of working demanded companies to reimagine ways of communicating, organizing and collaborating to provide continuity to customers and partners. The new office footprint also required a way for employees to reserve desk space in advance.
Learn how Powell Software and StitchDX worked together to enhance the customer O365 investment into a true digital workplace.