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WEBINAR RECAP : How to Build a Compelling Digital Workplace

by Esther Daga

Learn how to build a compelling digital workplace with Office 365 and Powell 365 via our 30 minutes webinar recap!

So you want to make your intranet easier to adopt and create a more engaging experience for your employees. The key is to make it compelling! During this month’s webinar, Antoine Faisandier, CEO of Powell Software US, and Karina Klindtworth, Marketing Manager of Powell Software US, dissussed a few Office 365 intranet best practices to provide a compelling digital workplace for your employees. Let us help you create an Office 365 intranet that your employees will love to use. Discover Powell 365 intranet solutions today via our 30 minute webinar recap video!

Get The Powell

Powell 365 is a flexible and intuitive intranet with a fully responsive design. Don’t start from scratch. Take advantage of your Office 365 suite and optimize all its great communication and collaboration tools. Powell 365 unifies all Office 365 features: SharePoint, Yammer, Delve, Office 365 Video, Power BI, Dynamics CRM Online, Skype Online, Groups, Planner, and more. We also incorporate other connectors, main external solutions like Facebook or Box and several other capabilities you may need.

Office 365 Experience

We offer the best user experience on Office 365! Your employees are critical to the creation of a corporate intranet. A digital workplace must have a corporate culture that focuses on employees and transforms how teams operate. We like to keep things simple and straight forward. To improve productivity, you must provide an intranet experience that is pleasant for every kind of employee. The Powell 365 intranet solutions are clear and easy to use. The Powell Software wysiwyg designer tool, Powell Manager, makes it easy to hone in on employee needs and places everything at their fingertips, always providing a connected experience with every one of your employees.

Webinar Recap

In this 30-minute webinar video you see how Powell 365 helps accelerate the digital transformation of any enterprise by enriching internal communication and productivity with all the functional components of Office 365. Plus, you will get a first-hand look at three different solution scenarios possible with Powell 365. By the end you will fully understand the Powell 365 intranet and all its benefits. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

Don’t worry! The Powell 365 team always keeps you in mind. You can watch and re-watch the webinar webcast video NOW!