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Sommet Education named Digital Workplace of the Year

by Esther Daga

Sommet Education was named Digital Workplace of the Year for Medium-size Organization at this year’s Digital Workplace Experience (DWX) in Chicago. This is very exciting news for the Swiss education group and Powell Software is proud to have been a part of this award-winning project.

“I know that the team at Sommet Education is truly grateful for this recognition, explain Antoine Faisandier, CEO of Powell Software, during the award ceremony. “They worked hard to put together an engaging and personalized experience for their 750+ employees and now it is an award-winning Digital Workplace! This is a great achievement.”

The Digital Workplace of the Year Awards are global awards that celebrate organizations who have created exceptional digital workplace solutions. As part of the DWX 2019, typically major players participate and push out the smaller competition. However, Sommet Education and their MyPlace intranet stood out as the “judges were unanimous in wanting to acknowledge the entry… for their good early work on the digital workplace journey,” as noted by award producer, Digital Workplace Group.


Sommet Education was created in 2016 when two academic brands were assimilated into a separate education group. Today, the unique group is composed of three legendary brands with campuses and partnerships all over the world. The company took its first step on its digital workplace journey with Powell 365 technology by launching their own Office 365 intranet, MyPlace.

“Before MyPlace, Sommet Education had no digital workplace program, said Thomas Lensche, IT SharePoint Specialist at Sommet Education. “Since its release, everyone is a part of a  global perspective, and proud of it.”

Digital Workplace of the Year Award Winner

Today, MyPlace is a meeting place for employees, regardless of their role or geographical location. It offers an engaging design, a consistent and collaborative experience using Microsoft tools and clear communications on not only company-wide operations but also local operations.

Sommet Education set out to build collaboration and communication for employees and accelerate their digital workplace project with Powell Software’s unique suite of Digital Workplace products, including the Office 365 intranet Powell 365 and SharePoint design engine, Powell Manager. The key objective was to make available to all Sommet Education stakeholders a single point of entry to the entire Sommet Education environment, enabling them to collaborate, participate and obtain relevant and personalized information. Core features such as search queries, shared services sites, a corporate blog with translated content, and mobile access were developed to enabled collaboration through the digital workstation.

Thanks to MyPlace, Sommet Education has improved their employee engagement, providing a unique experience and meeting everyone’s needs. Employees are now working together across not only department but countries, informing themselves and sharing the latest information. The digital workplace supports the daily life of Sommet Education and its 750+ employees.