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Powell Software – Meet the CTO

by Esther Daga

Employee Profile: Raphaël Pannier

As our company grows, we would like to introduce our audience to the great people who work behind the scenes to make Powell 365 intranet software the best product on the market. Each month we are going to highlight one of our over achieving employees.

Every month we innovate our product. Our dev team is devoted to providing a cutting-edge tool and taking Office 365 and SharePoint to the next level. The person who is always there pushing our dev team to new heights is our CTO Raphael Pannier!


Raphael has been a part of the Powell 365 team since its creation! Read our short interview below to learn more about Raphael.


What did you do before you joined the Powell 365 team?

I worked as technical manager and SharePoint / .Net technical consultant for 16 years
This represents several million lines of code and a few thousand bugs (almost all solved).

What attracted you to work on the Powell 365 team?

Strong team spirit and feeling that everything is possible.
The desire to work in confidence, and to live a unique adventure.

What do you like most about your job?

Teamwork, as well as the startup spirit.

What three words would you use to describe our culture?

trust, force, team

What is your favorite Office 365 feature and why?

SharePoint Online
Because we are experiencing a new cycle.
Microsoft offers a lot of novelties (modern team site, communication site, SiteDesign, SPFx, …). This is a new product with even more potential than the previous versions of SharePoint.

What do you do in your free time outside the office?

I like to have quiet times, and spend time with my girlfriend who supports my horrible jokes.

What is your secret special talent?

I can inflate myself like balloonfish.

What is the best social media for people to contact you on?

None, let me develop quietly.
You can contact 😉