Promote sustainability in the workplace

Embracing the importance of CSR in business and, more specifically, the environmental pillar, we are excited to launch a new ‘Sustainability Corner’ on Powell Intranet.

This specific environment on the portal will help you promote sustainability in the workplace more effectively.

You can increase environmental awareness and employee knowledge through this space while encouraging employees to participate in sustainable activities. It is not only a place for information exchange but also an area where employees can present ideas.

Sustainability Corner on Powell Intranet

The sustainability corner on Powell Intranet is a dedicated section within the intranet that gathers ready-to-use Powell Intranet templates around the same goal (sustainability development). The powerful capabilities and features integrated into these different templates can significantly raise environmental awareness and motivate employees to participate in various sustainable activities, thereby encouraging positive change.Sustainability Corner

What can you find on the Powell Internet sustainability corner?

Sustainability Home Page

The Powell Intranet’s sustainability home page is the starting place for all communication. It is a central hub for sharing and organizing sustainability information, events, and ideas. Here, HR & Comms managers can share news, organize sustainability events and build a culture focused on sustainability through efficient communication.

You can include a CSR Charter to describe your company’s principles that guide your organization in living out the values ​​that form the basis of our social responsibility. It will inform employees on how to use CSR in their daily work.

Sustainabilty Home page

By incorporating our News and Event Hubs in your sustainability corner, you can continuously deliver relevant information on sustainability, create new events and activities, and involve employees in CSR programs to increase overall environmental awareness.

Sustainability news and events

Through built-in Employee Advocacy, employees can share sustainability news externally and advocate for environmental causes via their social media platforms.

*Learn more about why employee advocacy is marketing’s secret weapon and how the Powell Intranet Employee advocacy tool unites employees and drives engagement.

Sustainability Employee Advocacy

With sustainability Kudo topics, employees can send each other recognition for sustainable actions on their company intranet as well as at the physical office. Digital Communications or Human Resources managers predetermine the topics for which employees can get praised. Users can then select the “Kudos” topic and send it to a specific person. This encourages others to continue to uphold these positive traits.

You can also include our Standalone Advent Calendar template within the page, offer tips to intranet users, and increase awareness by pushing small information on sustainability daily.

Sustainability Terms

In order to build the proper culture around sustainability, it is essential to ensure that everyone understands the core principles and business terms used across the organization. The Company Glossary page is the best way to clarify ambiguous terms used interchangeably in your organization. With the Powell Intranet Glossary page, you can easily build a sustainability terms page and let users access complex terms and their definitions, thus creating shared knowledge around the subject.

Sustainability terms

Second-Hand Swap Market

The Second-Hand Swap market is our Classified Ads template which aims to install sustainable shopping habits among company employees and help reduce waste by promoting buying second-hand /used products. Company employees can use this page for advertising and selling items they no longer use. If there is a mutual interest, these items can also be also exchanged among coworkers.

*Learn more about our Second-Hand Swap Market page through a dedicated article.

Second Hand Swap Market - sustainability Corner

Ideation Hub

Idea generation tools are the best way to increase employee engagement and foster a collaborative mindset. The Powell Intranet Ideation Hub is designed to develop and collect the best ideas from employees internally. Powell’s ideation page makes it easy for employees to come up with new sustainability ideas and develop eco-friendly activities to contribute to the environment.

Ideation Hub on thr Sustainability Corner

*Find out more about how to encourage creativity and manage innovation in the workplace with Powell Intranet Ideation Hub. 


Another great tool you can find on the sustainability corner Is the Powell carpooling which was created to let company employees create rides and share their private vehicles with coworkers when they go to the same destination. Carpooling is a great way to reduce the number of cars on the road and help contribute to the more significant cause of reducing pollution and carbon dioxide emissions. It is also a great way to connect with people socially and foster friendly relations between coworkers.

Learn more about our Carpooling template through the dedicated article.

Finding ride on Powell Intranet Carpooling tool

Register for your ride on Powell Intranet Carpooling

Contribution Board (Gamification Hub)

We have also integrated a gamification hub in order to gamify user actions on the sustainability corner. Powell Intranet has a great gamification tool that can increase employee participation in sustainability activities.


In order to reward sustainability behaviors, human resources, and communications managers can set scores for specific actions on the intranet. Based on the level of participation, they can define sustainability badges to earn. By repeating these actions, intranet users can earn more points and eventually a badge for their continued commitment to sustainability within the corporate intranet. For example, intranet users can earn points when sharing sustainability news externally, creating carpooling rides, or generating sustainability ideas on the ideation page. Finally, they can earn a badge that will be displayed on their gamification profile.

Through Powell intranet’s gamification capabilities, we aim to create healthy employee competition and encourage our intranet users to participate in the company’s sustainable development.

Contribution board Powell Intranet

Deploy a Sustainability Corner on your portal

Sustainability is a fundamental concern for all organizations. People want a company that takes a stance on sustainability. More and more employees want to contribute to the environment. A corner dedicated to sustainability will have the potential to create engagement, build commitment, and strengthen bonds among employees.

In the Powell Intranet sustainability corner, everything is created in the background using Powell Intranet ready-to-use templates with some additional customization. It once again shows the power of the Powell intranet templates and their ability to foster cooperation and build a cohesive workplace.

CTA - Powell Software Workplace Trends