Mobile intranet application: connect your employees with Powell Apps

An intranet application dedicated to the employee experience

Share internal communications, maximize productivity and boost collaboration for all employees, from office to frontline workers. With the Powell Intranet app, every user can access company information and documents in their pocket, anywhere and anytime, on one platform. An inclusive, social culture is on the horizon thanks to your intranet!

Simple & Customizable

Effortlessly customize your Powell Intranet app to match your brand identity.

  • Create familiarity and belonging with logo, splash screen, and color changes
  • Enjoy an intuitive interface for smooth navigation and easy access to information
  • Streamline tasks and boost collaboration for increased productivity
  • Centralize frequently used applications for convenient access
  • Strengthen brand presence and enhance employee experience with a tailored intranet app


Effective & Personalized

Offer easy access to relevant information for all employees in the office or on the go.

  • Simply and effectively share relevant news and documents with all employees across your organization
  • Personalize the user experience with targeted content, notifications, and alerts based on roles
  • Include and empower frontline workers and those without a desktop or laptop with an easy-to-create dedicated page
  • Equip non-Office 365 license holders with read-only access to business information and documents


Natively Secure & Compliant

Work in confidence because your information is secure.

  • Get peace of mind with a natively secured intranet application based on Microsoft 365, offering authentication settings and identity management.
  • Compatible with Mobile Device Management tools and multi-factor authentication systems
  • Data is stored in the Azure blob in your Microsoft 365 tenant by default


One Digital Workplace App

Achieve better organization and simplified processes with all your company apps on one platform

  • Gather all your Microsoft and third-party business applications in one convenient location.
  • Access a comprehensive employee directory to find and contact the right colleagues quickly.
  • Enjoy an all-in-one employee engagement space that caters to your business needs.


Two licensing options for your mobile intranet app

Standard Powell Apps

The ultimate ready-to-use intranet app with powerful out-of-the-box functionalities designed to elevate your internal communications. With your Powell Intranet license, unlock a range of cutting-edge features that will revolutionize your workplace dynamics:

  • Stay informed with dynamic News updates, keeping you in the loop with the latest company announcements and developments.
  • Seamlessly manage your schedule with Upcoming Events, ensuring you never miss an important meeting or deadline.
  • Access Recent Documents effortlessly, saving time and boosting productivity by quickly finding the files you need.
  • Connect and collaborate easily through the People Directory, making locating and reaching out to colleagues across the organization simple.
  • Enjoy a responsive and customizable design, allowing you to showcase your intranet pages in a visually stunning and user-friendly format.
  • Integrate business applications seamlessly, consolidating your essential tools and streamlining workflows for enhanced efficiency.
  • Stay connected on the go with mobile notifications, ensuring you never miss critical updates and important content.


Premium Powell Apps

Enterprise deployment (MDM) with multi apps management & design personalization.

Requires an additional license

In addition to all the standard Powell Apps features, this advanced package offers unparalleled benefits to elevate your organization’s mobile experience:

  • All standard features
  • Establish a distinct mobile presence with your very own application name, logo, and eye-catching splash screen. Showcase your brand identity and make a lasting impression on your users.
  • Seamlessly deploy your app with an MDM solution on both Android and iOS platforms using our automatic package builder. Save time and effort by simplifying the deployment process and ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Manage multiple apps effortlessly with our comprehensive system. Streamline app management across various departments or projects, maintaining control and ensuring consistency throughout your organization.


An Intranet Application to Empower and Support frontline workers

Give deskless and frontline workers essential access to the information they need, fostering a truly inclusive culture within your organization. Break down communication barriers and ensure that every employee has the resources and knowledge required to excel in their roles.

Digital Workplace App for Deskless Workers

By providing deskless and frontline workers with equal access to important information, you promote collaboration, boost productivity, and foster a sense of belonging. Bridge the gap between office-based and field-based employees, creating a unified workforce where everyone can contribute and thrive. Start building a culture of inclusivity today and unlock the full potential of your organization.

Frontline or deskless workers can access a digital workplace app tailored to their needs, from full communication and collaboration to simply being informed of the latest news and events.

Empower frontline workers with information, engage in company culture, and connect with colleagues. Offer an experience that is tailored to every worker’s needs.

Two tailored experiences

Essential Experience: Access to essential company pages. No Microsoft 365 license.

Full Experience: Full access to the company intranet & Office 365. Microsoft 365 license.

Empower and Support Frontline Workers

48% of frontline workers are not digitally empowered! Unlike their desk-based colleagues, field workers often don’t have access to communication and collaboration tools, like an intranet. That means they lack access to internal news and events, making it harder to feel part of the company culture. Providing a shared space tailored to frontline workers’ roles boosts feelings of belonging, helping foster inclusivity and engagement.

Download this guide to providing frontline workers with the tools they need to stay engaged and connected. Discover the Powell Apps experience for every deskless worker.


You’ll learn:

  • Who a frontline worker is & the challenges they face
  • The value of connected frontline workers
  • How to empower field workers with digital tools
  • Powell Software digital workplace solutions tailored to employees roles

See Powell Apps In Action


You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

An intranet application gives employees access to the company intranet anywhere and anytime, even on the go. Doing so enhances internal communication, collaboration, and information within an organization. It provides a secure platform for authorized employees, promoting transparency and engagement. Features like document sharing and project management tools enable seamless collaboration and boost productivity. It is an organizational knowledge repository, allowing easy access to important documents and procedures. Integration with other business systems simplifies workflows and enhances efficiency. In summary, an intranet application offers a secure, centralized platform that improves communication, collaboration, knowledge sharing, and productivity for every employee – those who work in an office or the field, with or without a desktop.


To customize an intranet application for your specific company needs, follow these steps:

  1. Identify your organization’s communication, collaboration, and information-sharing requirements through assessment and feedback.
  2. Choose a customizable intranet solution with a mobile app that has options for templates, branding, and layout customization.
  3. Configure the intranet by creating custom sections, pages, and widgets and integrating necessary tools and applications.
  4. Utilize user permissions and access controls to ensure appropriate information access based on roles, e.g., tailored for frontline, field or office workers.
  5. Regularly seek user feedback on the app and any improvements they could like to see in terms of layout, content, or experience.

To maximize the adoption of an intranet application by employees, focus on the following key steps.

  1. Firstly, ensure that the app is user-friendly and intuitive by offering a simple and visually appealing interface.
  2. Provide thorough training and support to employees, highlighting the benefits and demonstrating how to use the intranet effectively.
  3. Let employees know whether they can download the app on their personal phone or if it is to be used on their professional phone only.
  4. If employees can download the app on their personal phones, outline best practices and guidelines to ensure intranet security and digital wellbeing.
  5. Hold an information session for employees, so they can ask any questions about the app.
  6. Encourage active participation and engagement by creating a culture of collaboration and recognizing contributions made through the intranet.
  7. Continuously communicate the value and relevance of the intranet, showcasing success stories and addressing any concerns or feedback.
  8. Finally, regularly update and improve the intranet based on user input and evolving needs to keep it fresh and aligned with employees.



When it comes to your intranet application, it is essential to adhere to specific security recommendations:

  • Install Powell Apps only from your company’s designated app store or reputable public stores.
  • Avoid jailbreaking or rooting your devices.
  • Employ Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions to manage and secure company devices. MDM provides centralized control, allowing for efficient enforcement of security policies, remote device management, and data protection.
  • Utilize Dual Factor Authentication (DFA) for accessing critical apps installed on your mobile devices. DFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two forms of authentication, such as a password and a unique verification code.

Returning to the general security recommendations for your intranet application:

  • Utilize encryption protocols to protect data both in transit and at rest.
  • Regularly update and patch the intranet application to address vulnerabilities. Keeping software up-to-date helps protect against known security flaws and ensures that the latest security enhancements are implemented.
  • Conduct periodic security audits and assessments to identify potential risks and promptly address any vulnerabilities. This proactive approach helps maintain a secure environment and prevents potential breaches.
  • Train employees on data security best practices and enforce strong password policies. Educating users about potential risks and promoting responsible behavior reduces the likelihood of security incidents.
  • Regularly back up data and establish a robust disaster recovery plan. In the event of data loss or system failures, having up-to-date backups and a well-defined recovery strategy is essential for business continuity.
  • Stay informed about the latest security threats and industry best practices to adapt security measures proactively. This ensures that the security measures implemented stay relevant and effective against evolving threats.

By implementing these comprehensive security measures, including those specifically tailored to the mobile app, Powell Apps can provide a robust and secure environment for accessing Powell Intranet while protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access and potential breaches.


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Improve your employees experience with Powell Software’s digital workplace



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