Marketing & Comms
Crisis Communications Intranet Site Template by Powell Software
The Powell Software crisis communication template for your intranet was released in response to the Covid-19 crisis, but it can be deployed for any such future event....
March 30th, 2020
Digital Dexterity and the Digital Workplace
The major plight of the digital workplace is user adaptation. As workplaces move towards newly available technologies, employee use of these technologies lags behind. But not all workplaces adapt at the same rate; where some catch on quickly, others take months or years to acclimate. The ability of ...
March 24th, 2020
How to Set Up Remote Working Tools for Your Team
The virtual workforce has grown by 159% since 2005, largely made possible by the introduction of remote working tools and technologies. Many of the limitations that once kept employees tethered to an office are now becoming obsolete, paving the way to a new world of opportunity for workers and emplo...
January 31st, 2020
5 Reasons to Launch Your Digital Workplace in 2021
If your company has ever considered implementing a digital workplace, 2021 is the year to take action. With recent improvements in technology and better accessibility, there’s never been a better time to discover all the benefits that digital workplaces have to offer....
December 5th, 2019