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Create a Sustainability Corner in Powell Intranet

Discover how you can promote and encourage sustainable behavior within your company through a dedicated space on Powell Intranet....

December 12th, 2022

What Is Viva Engage, And Is It A Complete Engagement Solution? 

Many organizations today struggle to build a culture of communication and engagement, but all of that is about to change as Microsoft unveils a new feature, "Viva Engage." With this feature, which is essentially a social network, employees in an organization can connect with leadership, contribute t...

August 1st, 2022

What Are The Benefits Of SharePoint?

SharePoint has over 290 million users, yet so many under-utilize the Microsoft tool and don't realize the true benefits of SharePoint....

June 16th, 2022

Can an Intranet help with Employee Retention in the Great Resignation?

The words ‘Great Resignation’ strike fear in many organizations. Yet, companies with a good employee retention strategy are attracting and retaining top talent. Here’s how to design a plan to retain employees with your intranet....

April 19th, 2022

Show Your Employee Appreciation by Sharing Kudos in Powell Intranet

Employee recognition involves acknowledging employees for their hard work, dedication, and invaluable contributions to a company's life and culture. It's essential to success. In fact, 90% of HR professionals think an effective recognition program drives business results. ...

April 12th, 2022

6 Leadership Challenges a Digital Workplace can Help Tackle

The 2020s have been a rollercoaster, with most companies facing challenges never before seen. Yet, obstacles inspired innovation, and the workplace changed for the better in many ways. We've experienced intense digital transformation, rapid adaption, and great learning. The key takeaway? Organizatio...

December 17th, 2021

A Double Win for Powell Software at the 2021 Brilliance Awards

Powell Software has won two awards at the 2021 International Brilliance Awards, held on December 9th in London....

December 15th, 2021

Best in Biz Awards 2021

Powell Software has been named a Bronze winner in the Enterprise Product of the Year - HR Software category in Best in Biz Awards 2021....

December 1st, 2021

Diversity in the Workplace Starts With Inclusive Culture

It’s time to talk about diversity in the workplace. Recent world events have sparked conversations across industries as customers and employees alike demand a more inclusive culture. What company leaders are quickly realizing is that it’s not enough to simply put out a statement supporting diversity...

November 21st, 2021

Episode 19: The ‘Great Resignation’ goes global

In this episode of Welcome to the New Normal, we discuss how the number of people quitting their jobs has hit record numbers in the US. The so-called “Great Resignation”, or the “Big Quit”, is impacting all industries and it is going global....

November 3rd, 2021