New Carpooling Template

To reduce our environmental footprint and help drive down carbon emissions, Powell Software is launching a carpooling template that connects drivers and passengers willing to travel together toward the same destination. By using our carpooling template, we can reduce the number of cars on the road, which means less greenhouse gas, lower costs, better air quality, and an improved environment overall.

How does it work? 

As a rider, all you need to do is find your desired ride and click the button “read more.” It will open a dedicated page for that ride, where you can register and ask driver questions in the “comments” section.

As a driver, you can easily create a new ride, indicate departure and destination address, time & date, and get bookings just by posting your trip.

Read more about the Powell Intranet Carpooling initiative here.

New Adoption Report Template

We offer several web parts on Powell Intranet to measure your intranet adoption. These web parts include:

With the new adoption report template, we’ve centralized all the web parts for measuring adoption so that you can track your website and mobile app usage in a single environment.

Read also about our Powell Intranet engagement report on measuring user engagement on the intranet. 

Powell Intranet API

The 2nd endpoint for Powell Intranet API is now publicly released! It is now possible to create a site through an external process ( power automate, the customs process directly through the API…) based on an existing Powell Intranet template.

Access a step-by-step guide we have prepared for you.



“Ready-to-use Intranet” Templates

A series of templates destined for partners or customers accessing Powell Manager is ready to be deployed with default content translated into French or English. The default content can be used in preparation for a Proof of Concept as an example.


The seasonal theme of the month

Discover our new Thanksgiving theme!

For more information, you can read our complete article on Powell Intranet seasonal themes! 


Visit Release Notes for November month for more detailed information.




Manage administrators in Powell Governance

We are adding additional security on Powell Governance. Only Microsoft Teams administrators will be able to manage administrators in Powell Governance. This means that a non-Microsoft Teams admin can be defined as a Powell Governance admin, but he/she must be added to Powell Governance by a Microsoft Teams admin.