Welcome to the New Normal Podcast
Welcome to the new normal, a time defined by rapid technological advancements, new ways of working and living, and an era where ‘unprecedented’ is now ordinary. With so much change happening there’s never been more to talk about, which is why we’ve taken the opportunity to launch our new technology podcast.
by Yvonne Harris
Why did we decide to launch a podcast?
At Powell Software, we work hand in hand with companies in their digital transformation projects. This closeness has given us a 360° view of the new world of work: distance working, hybrid workspaces, and the growing importance of collaborative projects. Projects with our clients and partners have also given us a broader view of the role of technology in an evolving world.
We launched this podcast not to talk about us or what we do, but to give the stage to our network, who are experts in their respective fields. This podcast is all about navigating the new normal and explores topics from how our use of physical spaces has evolved to smart cities and the future of work.
Welcome to the new normal podcast, a space to explore the latest technology, the future of work, and how the unprecedented became ordinary.
What is the podcast about? What topics does it explore?
Welcome to the New Normal is an extension of our ‘raison d’etre’, connecting your employees. It’s a podcast to listen to at work, or during your coffee break, or during your commute.
Each episode focuses on navigating the new normal, both at work and in the wider world. Our first episodes explore reskilling for the future of work and how the commute has changed. We also have a line-up of exciting speakers, from Lukas Neckermann, smart city expert, Marc Diouane, a growth-focused SaaS industry expert, Rita Gunther McGrath, innovation and growth expert, and Odile Roujol, Founder of the FaB Fashion & BeautyTech community.
The new normal podcast aims to educate and explore thought-provoking topics, which is why we’ve got the experts in to host it.
Who is it hosted by?
Welcome to the New Normal is hosted by Tony Todd and Justine Le Goas of Rumeur Publique, a Parisian communications agency. Their editorial experience and curiosity for all things tech make them the ideal duo.
Having spent over 15 years as a journalist, Tony Todd is an experienced researcher and fact finder. His interest in seeking out intriguing information means you can be sure to learn something new.
Justine Le Goas has more than 4 years of experience in influence communications and is curious about everything tech! Her inquisitiveness and French flair will make you want to tune in for each episode.
Justine and Tony are not alone, they are joined by external experts, influencers, and thought leaders.
When does it start, how often will it happen, where can it be accessed?
Welcome to the New Normal officially launched on May 19th, 2021, with weekly episodes and bonus video podcasts with special guests twice a month.
To make it easy to listen to the podcast while you’re working, Welcome to the New Normal is available on all major podcast distribution channels as well as YouTube. Find each episode on your preferred platform every week.
If we’ve piqued your interest check out the all the episodes below.