Implement the following habits to accelerate your digital transformation

The digital transformation of a company evolves at the same time as the development of corporate practices and employee facilities, like the digital workplace.

Hybridization is one of the major changes that occur during digital transformation in terms of collaboration and security. It also alludes to a relational transformation with the implementation of more transverse kinds of management as well as blurring the lines between private and professional life.

According to the latest figures published by the CREDO digital barometer, over a third of the French workforce brings personal equipment to the workplace to use during their day to day professional operations. These kinds of issues are what push companies to set up transformation projects to guarantee increased agility in business processes and information flows.

Main Issues

The role of management teams, who drive transformation projects, is to offer a progressive work environment and improve employee performance while meeting their needs and frustrations. Employee expectations can vary from one company to another, depending on a company’s internal culture and employee demands.

The better the management team can analyze employee needs; the higher employee engagement will be. The intent is to have employees take part in the process, feel considered and involved in creating this new approach and in turn change their working habits for the better.

The project team will communicate with collaborators ahead of time, in the event of a change within the transformation program, phasing out precise goals.

Restricting employee access to the project on behalf of absolute security establishes a closed-minded vision of new technologies and new digital uses. This point of view is unproductive and contributes to collaborator frustration. It is necessary to question an organization’s working methods. Each collaborator will be able to understand the interest of management, see where improvement is needed and how essential the transformation project is.

Providing useful digital tools for employees to improve their daily lives is the first step. It is important to convey a sense of trust. The anticipated involvement of the collaborator will guarantee a progressive adoption., like in the method of “experimenting and applying new ideas for a better understanding”. This system involves sensitive managers and a network of trained supported employees to promote the new approach in the field.

Support managers in their role as a leader

It can be difficult for a manager to constantly challenge and motivate their team. Collaborative solutions are one way to keep employees engaged and decrease desertification while accelerating positive change in an organization. The conception and the establishment of a collaborative solution, such as in the intranet, can be optimized with the technical and functional means and appropriate resources. In turn, to ensure employee adoption of collaborative solutions, it is pertinent that a group of collaborators is mobilized during the design and governance phases.

Awareness sessions for the new tools or features are then organized. These sessions feature specially designed learning scenarios that a manager can see how these tools will be applied by the team.

Communicating, sharing and diffuse: reflexes to acquire

The idea of becoming an expert at the end of an awareness session or training does not sense. The sessions are not implemented to teach employees how to swim alone on the deep end.

Learning to swim requires certain reflexes, which are going to keep a swimmer afloat in a constant balanced position. Awareness sessions put employees in real situations to help them acquire the reflexes needed to implement the new tool. Thus, the “skill” depends on your level of practice.

Training sessions where dozens of new functions are presented without examples and general exercises are of little interest to collaborators. Rather, employees want to deepen their knowledge and to find answers to everyday needs.

It is important to hold personalized and contextualized sessions that focus on the needs of collaborators.

Adaption without force

The idea of personalized coaching sessions is to familiarize the collaborator with THE most adequate solution for their needs. Indeed, the collaborative solutions can cover a large panel of uses and functions but rarely do they cover 100% of the use scenario imagined by the collaborator.

Managers and editorial managers often impose an editorial content plan that must be strictly followed by the employees, especially during the launch phases of an intranet and digital workplace.

Giving the illusion that there is content in a corporate portal is not a long-term solution. The collaborator is constrained in their creativity and the adoption will quickly run out of steam.

It is better to propose some examples of editorial criteria to give a collaborator-contributor an idea of what is expected. This will make employees want to become a contributor and give them a real autonomy to use the solution within the defined conception framework.

It creates trust with collaborators and allows employees to take ownership of the tools and quickly publish relevant content, and forward the content to the right people at the right time.

It is all about creating a story of projection and agility. With appropriate support, a manager can adopt new work methods, be more agile, more flexible and pass on the best practices to their teams.