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The Modern Intranet – how to choose the right one for your business

by Esther Daga

Did you miss the Powell 365 Partner webinar?

Slater Hill and Powell Software hosted; The Modern Intranet – how to choose the right one for your business.

An April 17, at 12pm EST we spoke about the modern intranet – what it is, why it matters and why Office 365 is not a replacement for an intranet. Juan Larios and Kyle Rector presented with Powell Software to discuss why an intranet is a smart technology investment for your business and how to choose the right intranet for your needs.

Watch the recap video now

Topics covered include:Modern Intranet

  • the cost of an intranet and the return on investment
  • the lifecycle of an intranet
  • technology lifespan and the impact on your intranet
  • buy vs. buy/licence considerations
  • where Powell 365 software triumphs as your choice of intranet.


About Powell Software

Powell Software is a global leader in ready-to-use collaboration software solutions and a Microsoft ISV. The solution provider drives digital transformation by offering Powell 365, an integrated intranet solution that transforms the user experience and boosts communication, collaboration and business productivity. Powell 365 is a modern intranet software that provides a ready-made and configurable digital workplace that is easy to use and easy to manage.

Powell 365 offers a compelling and personalized experience for each one of your employees on top of Office 365 and SharePoint. Every Powell 365 digital workplace is brought to life by the SharePoint designer Powell Manager. With Powell Manager, it takes just a few weeks to transform your office 365 tenant into a customized digital workplace with no coding or development needed.

During this webinar recap you will get an overview look at of the features of Powell 365 for Office 365 online and for SharePoint on-premises, plus a live demo, showing how quick and easy it is to create a modern and useful intranet for your organization.


About Slater Hill

Slater Hill is a technology consulting firm based in Toronto, Canada. Slater Hill specializes in SharePoint solutions as well as mobile applications, custom development and solutions based on Microsoft technologies (Services). One of their main services is to build engaging, effective intranet solutions, to maximize value and user adoption.

To find out more about a modern, engaging and interactive Powell 365 intranet for your organization, whether online or on-premises, contact

Watch the webinar recap