Join us at the biggest Microsoft Partner event of 2018 in Las Vegas!


Microsoft Inspire brings together thousands of Microsoft partners from around the world each year. Powell Software is happy to sponsor this tremendous event for the third year in a row. Come meet the Powell 365 team in Las Vegas, Nevada and all the different Microsoft partners, personnel and industry experts at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center and T-Mobile Arena from July 15-19 to network, learn and collaborate!

Discover Microsoft Inspire 2018

Since it started in 2003, Microsoft Inspire has become the partner event of the year. This annually held Microsoft conference is the best opportunity to meet with the huge community Microsoft partners and exchange knowledge. We are excited to learn about Microsoft’s roadmap for the year, as well as the latest best practices, partner experiences and product innovations. Every year Powell Software connects with other companies within the Microsoft partner channel. It is five days packed with inspiring stories, interesting technology advances and dedicated participants. We hope to see you there!


What you can expect from Microsoft Inspire 2018

This year, you will be able to assist a list of sessions covering many different topics as:

  • Modern Workplace
  • Data and AI
  • Applications and Infrastructure
  • Business Applications
  • Industry
  • Business Leadership
  • Partnering with Microsoft
  • Meet the Powell 365 team!

Meet Powell Software

Powell Software is an international Software Vendor, that drives digital transformation by offering customizable and evergreen intranet solutions, built on top of Office 365 and SharePoint. The Microsoft Gold Partner was founded in 2015 by Expertime Group, a Microsoft platform expert. Based in France and the United States, we help customers all over the world drive their digital transformation by offering Powell 365. Powell 365 is an out of the box intranet solution that streamlines communication and collaboration among employees. We also offer Powell Manager, a WISYWIG designer that simplifies the way you design, deploy and manage a digital workplace solution while providing all Microsoft innovations, in a few clicks.

Become a Powell 365 Partner

Microsoft Inspire is a great place to meet with partners who are a part of the Microsoft Network. Our company has more than 80 partners internationally who have embraced Powell 365  technology to offer a new generation of digital workplaces to customers. With the help of our partners, Powell intranet solutions optimize our clients’ investments worldwide. At Powell Software, we look for like-minded partners who aim to improve an end user’s daily business operations through cutting edge technology solutions.  If you are interested in becoming a Powell 365 partner do not hesitate to meet the team in the exhibition hall at booth 1902!

Visit our booth #1902

If you would like to learn more about Powell 365, Powell Manager or even the Powell 365 partner network, definitely come by the Powell 365 booth. Our team of experts will be on location in Las Vegas and are happy to help in any way. Discover the Powell 365 solution, talk about Microsoft Office 365 tools, learn about best practices. Our team is ready for you and are happy discuss anything Office 365 at our booth #1902 so feel free to ask any questions!


Join the Powell Cocktail Party!

The Powell team is proud to announce our Cocktail Party, which will be held at the top of the Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas, on level 108, July 16, just a few meters away from the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. Come and have fun with us from 6 pm on July 16th! This is a great opportunity to meet the team, other Powell 365 partners and see a live and exclusive presentation of Powell 365. Meet us at the highest spot in the city to enjoy a breathtaking view, taste an amazing buffet and chat with our partner network. Register now!




Interested in Powell 365 but unable to attend the Microsoft Inspire 2018? Contact us today and we can set up a free demo!