Powell 365 is proud to sponsor CZ SPF

Powell 365 is participating in our first ever SharePoint Czech event with the nonprofit ILikeSharePoint! The fourth addition of the CZ SPF event will take place at Microsoft headquarters in Prague from November 29 until December 1st 2016. Over 25 field experts and prestigious Microsoft MVPs will be talking attendees through in-depth presentations each day.



Powell Software is sponsoring the CZ SPF event and was invited to attend the event as a special SharePoint expert and speaker. This is certainly a great honor and we are very excited to show the Czech audience our revolutionary Powell 365 intranet solutions and talk in depth about SharePoint and Office 365 collaborative features.


Digital Transformation

Powell 365 is an out-of-the-box intranet portal built on top of the Microsoft Office 365 collaborative suite. As a collaborative intranet, Powell 365 helps accelerate the digital transformation of any enterprise by enriching internal communication with all the functional components of Office 365. Daily operations are eased and employee interaction is increased thanks to useful features such as Yammer, Delve, Office Video, Power BI, Dynamics CRM Online, Groups, Planner, Skype Online and more with access from anywhere, on any multi-device and at any time.


The Powell 365 presentation session

You definitely don’t want to miss the Powell Software session! Powell Software US Marketing manager Karina Klindtworth is teaming up with Frédéric Le Pors, the Powell 365 Product manager, to present an interactive demo of our Powell 365 solutions on November 29th at 4pm in room UMS3! This is an excellent opportunity to discover the Powell 365 intranet and give your employees tools that will help them thrive in their roles. The presentation will be held in English and these Powell 365 team members are more than happy to answer your questions after the presentation.

If you can’t make it to Prague, contact us today and we can set up a private live demonstration of the Powell 365 intranet solutions!